Asteroid Ida

Exploring the Solar System

Reports from a Workshop Presented by NASA for Girl Scouts of the USA
April 19-23, 2002

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Written by Missy and Tina M.

E uropa
X amine
P luto
L ife
O rbit
R egolith
I nvestigation
G alileo

T each
H abitable
E nvironment

S pace
O bservation
L earn
A steroids
R overs

S un
S aturn
T ectonics
E arth
M eteorites

E nergy
X citement
P ossibilites
L aughter
O bservation
R esponse
I deas
N ew
G irl Scouts

T hink
H ear
E at

S ight
O utside
L ively
A ctive
R eflection

S ound
Y awns
S pinning
T ouch
E nthusiasm