Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9

Exploring the Solar System

Reports from a Workshop Presented by NASA for Girl Scouts of the USA
April 19-23, 2002

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General descriptions of the programs we have done or are planning

Our busy beavers... (whom did I miss?)


I had a couple of youth camping trips I went on this summer. Every time I told the story of old man and old woman. Thanks Marcy for the great voices you used they were great inspiration. I used the story as a bed time story. It was a great way to end a Girl Scouts own. I and three other leaders took 20 girls camping last weekend.

My council is going to be ordering things like the UV beads to have on hand for the Jr. Adventure Day. Eventually our web designer hopes to put the adventure day material on our Council web site. That way leaders will be able to access the information from home. I may be doing more things to be used on the web.

I have a conformation from the Boy Scouts that I will be doing a workshop at their Scouting University in November. Now I need to get my "dog and pony" show ready to go on the road.



The Boy Scouts in my area think we Girl Scouts are having way too much fun with the solar system stuff. I meet with one of the leaders that is in charge of the area day camp and helps with their training session planning. She told me the boys want either a pirate or space theme for next years day camp and the my stuff sounds really great. She would also like me to do a two hour session, pending approval, at their fall training event.

I may be really busy this fall, but it will be fun.



I'm going to have my Cadet troop make up some of the reusable props for the Junior Adventure Day. Things like telescopes and planets for Strange New World, patterns for the Mars Pathfinder Egg Drop, and so on. They will also be making some samples of the projects to help leaders better visiualize what the project is. I think we will use this as the service project part of the current Space Exploration IP. I'm a firm believer if the projects fits, and is of the appropriate difficulity there is no reason not to make subustitions.

In talking with people at my council we are considering incouraging girls to host a Junior Adventure Day as a silver project. A Event Planning training session is planned as well. Besides the usual what do I need to know to host an event we plan breakout sessions with training geared for specific events and one would be the Junior Adventure Day based on our Exploring the Solar System.

Now if we can just get this stuff off the ground early enough to have some things happen.



Since I just finished day camp last week, I'm a little behind. For the overnight, I worked on Sky Search with the girls. We were wanting to look at the sky, but the clouds came in right at dusk. We didn't see too much. Oh well. I have a Cadette/Senior event scheduled in October to work on the solar system. One of the goals will be to train them to help with Brownie and Junior events on the solar system that we have planned for the following year.



Hi all, I presented some of the activities last night at our council kick-off and they were very well received.

Tina Gwaltney


I just did a training for Leaders today and also used NASA's finest telescopes money could buy. The session went over big. I did make my planet distance scale thing....


.... and I'm busily collecting all those AOL CD promotional discs that get left in public places ... in order to conduct the Saturn rings activity at our forthcoming Women With Wings: Girl Scouts Conquer the Skies -- Fun Day Activities.

People think I'm cuckoo collecting all this odd stuff to have enough materials in case 600 girls actually do show up!

Oy vey!

The Program Manager at the council fell in love with my Amelia Bearhart ... an air bear. I explained about the Air Bear program and she thought it wonderful! Now I have to stir up all my Ninety-Nine women pilot friends so that Troops have their own pilot and a bear to adopt!

Busy? No kidding!

Blue skies,


Hi there, Can you help me? I'll be darned if I can locate the instructions to organize the Mars Rover activity -- you know the one where blindfolded teams were guided by remote instructions to traverse a section of "Mars" -- in the area by the huge fireplace at Macy! I've been through my pack of stuff and cannot spot it. I want to include it in our Girl Scouts Conquor the Sky activity day.

Thanks! Waving to you from New York City!!

Blue skies,


Planning to meet and do a mini training with all of our council service unit managers on Sept. 7th and then use them to advertize a day long training in November.

Take care All,


As you all know, I did Strange New Planet with my classes. I used one planet per class (I have 4 classes) instead of four planets. That way, no one snitched and told the other classes what they saw before they got to class. Also, I did it in the hallway in small groups while the rest of the class worked on other things. Invariably, I had at least one or two (or more) students from other classes in the hallway traveling to the restroom or library etc. and they could see the planet easily. The kids really liked it. It sure brought home how difficult it is to piece together the information we have about planets using the technology available to us. They also really began to understand how this knowledge is changing and expanding based on our new perceptions as a reasult of advancing technology. I used the lab sheet with the activity.

I also did the aerogel-lo activity. I used the recipe with 2 1/4 cups of water to 2 envelopes. I think I need a little more water. It was hard for them (and me!) to get the nerds into the gelatin. We got some good ones for each class so they could see the tracks. They compared them to the pictures of tracks made in aerogel that I pulled off the web. I had 6 lab groups of 4 in each class and only one got to do the nerds. That's because it was my classroom and I knew these kids too well than to turn them all loose with straws and nerds and only one adult to supervise 25 kids. We also made Pathfinder EDL's. They also enjoyed that. We didn't have time before school got out to do Rover Races and I wouldhave liked to have tried that.

All of these things fell right into my curriculum when I got back since I do space science 4th quarter so I got to experiment with kids before doing it with Girl Scouts.

The next year we plan to train older girls in these activities as well as have fun with them and then the following year they will help with several events and trainings for Brownies and Juniors and their leaders.

Hope everyone is having a good summer!


Your 'rookie' trainer taught a group of first and second graders about metorites and comets before school let out. The teachers loved it and the kids thought I was some sort of "space god" after I was done. We did triangulation game, accretion in a pie plate, balloon metors (if you do not get enough water into the balloon, they are difficult, if not impossible to burst), impact craters, (hint, do not use an antique marble and expect to see it again), and comets on a stick. The kids all loved the activities.

I am writing the booklet for the class I will train in August for Leaders. I named it 'Beyond the Third Rock". It will be on the Solar System and the Sun. I am still noodling out the idea of including sun safety into it from the info I recieved from the Cancer Society that was passed out at the Outdoor Trainers Conference in Oct. I will also be doing 2 workshops for Brownies and 2 workshops for Juniors in April in preparation a Space Day in May. I will train P.A. before to assist at the stations. I want to then take the P.A. to some sort of 'space camp' as a reward and thanks for their help. I am waiting for the direction from the convention (per council request) to start a Senior science group with emphasis on space. So many ideas, so little time.

Yours in Girl Scouting,


Greeting to all fellow explorers! I just finished up my third meeting with the ED and Assistant ED. They are putting me in the budget going to the Board in July. It is too cool. I get to develop a virtual group for the Imaging Mar project at ASU plusssssss develop modules to go out train to leaders and older girls AND work on putting together "badge in a box" setups, AND start now to develop a daycamp for next summer (too late for this years schedule). They want me to be ready to blast off right after convention since we are one of the ten hosting councils. This is more than I expected and a little overwhelming but I'm itching to go. How are all you doin with your plans and projects?

Then by the end of the meeting I somehow was committed to "revitalizing the Program Aide and LIT program. HELP!!!!!!! I need ideas, any and all are welcome.

Yours in Scouting
Mary Kay


Greetings Space Cadets!

I've had only short informal meetings with my ED and Program Director. (They are busy with the self-evaluation committee at the moment.) But they are almost as excited as I am about this. Looks like, in my council at least, the best way to get this to the girls is to do small events in each service unit. Monthly info. in the leaders' packets in a definite go with us, and they liked the idea of the "badge in a box". Our activity planning board,COMPASS (COMmittee for Program ASSessment), is planning to put together information packets for leaders with local resources to complete particular badges/patches. Guess who gets to do all of the Science & Space ones? That fit in perfectly!

If anyone is visiting NE Arkansas this summer (although, I couldn't imagine why you would!!), you're always welcome at the Franks' house.



Hi! I just did strange new planet with two fifth grade classes at our annual science camp. It worked out pretty well. The kids wanted to remove the telescope from their eyes when they did fly bys and orbits! We did alot of debriefing to help them understand the limited view telescopes give us and why we need the fly bys with the orbits...and then landings. They were pretty amazed how much they could not see from a distance with a blue filter. So, I think they understood the concept. We do two more sessions of science camp next week...so if anything new pops up from those experiences...I'll let you know!

Vegas is warm and sunny! (Translate to already getting hot!)



Salutations everyone, At last I made time to get all the e-mail addresses into my book and make a list. Thanks for the heads up on the UV beads. My troop designed creatures from strange new planets last week. They got so involved in building their creatures that we barely had time to make some soda straw rockets. I've found some colored aquarium gravel, and have balloons so we plan on mapping out meteorite impacts and maybe doing a solar system dance at our picnic next week. We plan to finish with comet ice cream.

Tonight is my trainers roundtable meeting and I plan to map out how we will get the materials to the leaders and the girls.



I think I told you that I did a demonstration on making GAK. I am doing a speech presentation using visual graphics today on COMETS I have my comet and a hair dryer and a web site that shows a comets tail in motion.

I will keep you informed!



I am going to do "Strange New Planet" - telescope, fly by's and orbiting with my class today and tomorrow complete with lab sheet. I also plan to do Pathfinder landers and Rover Races next week. Wish me luck! If I find out anything earthshattering while doing this with 5th graders, I'll let you know!



I've already implemented activities on two occasions with 30 kids, and trained two adults. I'm on the training calendar to have a course by Oct. 5 on this workshop for adults and one by Sept21 for Older Girls.



Hi to all, Hit the ground running as we have encampent in less than three weeks! I was looking for the UV beads and they are available on line from the supplier ($6.95 for 250 plus shipping). The web address is http://store.estreet.com/Spanglerscience/StoreFront.bok My Seniors are doing a personal grooming workshop and these should help to show the Jr Scouts the importance of sunscreen. Hope to hear from all of you soon and pass along and tips, etc.

Yours in Scouting,


I have already used some of my learning. I had to do a 3-5 minute demonstration speech for one of my classes. I made GAK! The college students guessed that I was going to make a volcano and I fooled them. No one wanted to make it along with me but after I made it, a bunch wanted to take some with them. I know it's not much of an activity but it's something.



Dear Workshop Friends

My Brownie/Junior/Cadette troop made straw rockets Thursday. We had good weather and took over the lawn. Evernyone in town knew what we were up to. The troop is hooked and planning a long-term project with the materials!

Council plans so far

  • I will be writing a monthly "science" column in Leader's Packet
  • 4 girl workshops throughout the year - am younger girl & pm older girl
    • Thematic units
  • Leader training during Fall Training Fest (again in Spring?)
  • Struggling with how to train trainers to share. Any Ideas out there?

So happy that we shared the workshop and the laughter.
